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Equip yourself for the green economy and a world of opportunity across the conservation sector with the support of the School of Wildlife Conservation

Acquire the job-ready competencies that will be in demand for the rapidly growing green economy

A world-class conservation leadership programme for passionate future leaders

The School of Wildlife Conservation programme is accessed as part of the ALU Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Leadership (BEL) and Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSE) Degree programmes.

The ALU degree program is an inter-disciplinary course of study designed to address specific challenges facing Africa. With a missions-not-majors approach, the programme provides you with the skills and attributes needed to adapt to a dynamic world and address the variety of complex and interrelated challenges that society is currently facing. The programme aims to prepare you to become team builders and systems thinkers who have a breadth of cross-disciplinary knowledge, are extremely skilled at innovative problem-solving in a variety of domains, have the ability to learn continuously, and have developed deep pragmatic skills for taking meaningful action.

Graduates with a conservation mission will be able to choose from a variety of careers in the Green Economy, one of the fastest growing sectors of the global economy.

We offer undergraduate programs in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Software Engineering within which students are able to choose a conservation mission (specialization); we empower our students to drive innovative solutions to Africa's conservation challenges.

How it works

The ALU School of Wildlife Conservation weaves its content and expertise into the undergraduate degree program. Built on the philosophy of ‘missions not majors’, this program develops future African leaders with the explicit mission of conserving Africa’s natural wildlife ecosystem while balancing the interests of local communities and their economies.


Meet our conservation leaders

Our students and Alumni sharing their experience at SOWC and work spaces beyond ALU.

Are you a prospective student looking for information about ALU and the undergraduate admission process? Check out the following links

Get ready to take on the world!

When you study at ALU, you will graduate with more than just a degree. You will embark on a self-driven, personalized learning journey supported by fantastic mentors, self-sourced resources, tools and networks. Through this, you will turn into a leader with drive, resilience, humility and a sense of purpose. So whether you choose to work individually or with other ALU students, you will develop reciprocal relationships with the communities around you and be connected to compelling and meaningful opportunities where you will “learn by doing” through field-based and real-world experiences.

Support we offer our students

Internship Fund

We support our students with funding to undertake value-based internships across Africa.

Since 2019, with donations from the Bestseller Foundation, 222 students have received a total of $571,000. The fund was launched to support students to undertake conservation internships during their academic journey

The Fund also supported students to participate in conservation conferences and field trips

Employer Feedback

“ALU students who they worked with asked effective questions, displayed restless excellence and could solve problems effectively.“

Rated students relative performance at 4 or 5 (out of 5)

Employers testimonials

“Moore's commitment to the work has been a great asset to my organization, he is the kind of young man who is very energetic and focus in working with people."

"Lydia is very knowledgeable and always seeks to learn and improve herself. She is versatile, resourceful and helpful."

Internship Stories

Our practical learning model mandates students to spend 4 months every year interning in conservation organisations to gain real-world application of what they learn in class

Research Intern at African Parks

Kasine Joa Bijoux
With hard work and dedication, this internship opportunity helped developed Kasine’s communication and public speaking skills. It helped her to adapt to changing situations and she enjoyed her engagement with the community. Besides community and public speaking skills, she learned important skills such as data and analytical skills, team leading, as well as Microsoft Office, databases, and negotiation.

Admin Intern at Nelplast Eco LTD

Deborah Oluwagbeminiyi
Deborah's work is focused on environmental awareness and the creation of value from plastic waste. Therefore, her internship with Nelpast Eco LTD is instrumental in accomplishing her mission of protecting the environment and adding value to plastic waste.

Intern at the Global Alliance for a Sustainable Planet

Akwese Mbendang Miléne
Akwese’s role entails working on projects about climateChange adaptation, mitigation, sustainable agriculture, forest protection, ecotourism, integrated waste management, and renewable energy. Akwese is delighted to participate in these projects because they serve as a “guided exposure to her field of interest, regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, and circular economy”.

Internship Providers